Inspired by Her Majesty the Queen’s seventy years of service and leadership, the British Council aimed to build a network of 100 young women leaders across five countries of South Asia, and the UK where impressive young women leaders from across our work in arts and education will benefit from training, mentorship and the chance to connect and collaborate.


The programme expanded on the participants existing leadership skills and capabilities for them to become more confident, empowered, resilient and ready to tackle the changing role and expectations of leadership.


Under the Women in Leadership programme British Council partnered with SOLF as the implementing partner to take conduct the program activities that included.

8 WEEKS DIGITAL COURSE on Leadership in Gender Equality 4 modules designed for capacity building of women leaders based on a self-paced format and supported by live classroom sessions.

DIGITAL MEDIA CAMPAIGN for Highlighting inspiring stories of Women.

WOMEN’S DAY CELEBRATION EVENT A digital event with participants from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri-lanka celebrating women’s achievements