The global pandemic, COVID-19, is a health, social and economic crisis that affected everyone across the world. It led to widening the inequalities and undermining progress at the global level. The most immediate and effective solution critical to ending the pandemic is the safe and proper use of the vaccine. With the alarming rate of unvaccinated people in mind, UNDP initiated a vaccination campaign to spread awareness and get everyone immunized. Through the campaign, SoLF worked on a 4-month long campaign to train over 1000 young volunteers across Pakistan. The goal was to enable youth to contribute toward community resilience, with a specific focus on promoting resilience in face of the pandemic. And further encouraging community members to make use of vaccination facilities offered by the Government of Pakistan.


  • Engage with youth to inform and inspire them through different activities that empower them to take initiatives in community welfare by building their capacity.
  • Provide young people with the approved and updated information on vaccination, administration, need, and safety.
  • Create digital space for information sharing, motivation, and showcasing of work done by young people in encouraging their peers and elders in getting vaccinated.


Developed TOOLKIT with approved and updated information on COVID and its vaccination.

Conducted capacity building training of 12 LOCAL TRAINERS from Sindh and KP.

Capacity building of 841 youth volunteers across Sindh and KP through 16 IN-PERSON SESSIONS

Capacity building of 196 youth volunteers across South Punjab and Balochistan through 2 DIGITAL SESSIONS

Registering 7705 unvaccinated individuals to 1166 across Pakistan for vaccination

Vaccinating an additional 7019 unvaccinatedindividuals across Pakistan.

MEETINGS with civil society organizations and district youth offices to improve the visibility of the campaign and gain local support

Executing an interactive and informative digital media campaign with 30 CONTENT PIECES including static posts, animated videos, and Instagram stories. This resulted in 3,200,000 total reach, 629,728 video views, and 248,237 total engagements