SoLF is a national-scale organization founded in 2004 as the Field of Dreams. SoLF has nurtured numerous social projects and change-makers ever since.

In 2012, SoLF was relaunched with the tagline ‘Growing Human Capital’, and today it enjoys partnerships with key public and private sector organizations and is widely recognized for its break-through ideas, creative communication, training & facilitation, and thematic project management.


Awareness and mentoring sessions


Trainers and mentors


Individuals directly benefitted from our programs

" We aspire to empower people through greater awareness of self, others & their environment, so that they are better able to steer their communities & organizations to higher levels of sustainable growth, impact & profitability. "

Quality education is the key to a better life on a micro level, and a strong economy on the macro. To us, education is not merely about studying and getting good grades in school, it’s a tool used for discovering new things, opening yourself to new possibilities, increasing knowledge, and differentiating between right and wrong.

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Pakistan is the 6th largest nation in the world, in terms of size of the population. The country has abundant natural resources and a wide variety of ecological regions; from Hindu Kush and Himalayas in the west, Indus plains in the east to coastal zones in the south – which all come with a bulk of natural capital including flourishing livestock and fishing industry, forest products and most importantly, agriculture.

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One is not born a citizen, it is a task to become one – a task that requires informed and deliberate effort, it’s a lengthy learning process that continues to be a struggle in our country. For any society to be viable, it must depend on the abilities and knowledge of its citizens who are conscious of their roles, responsibilities, and status as individuals.

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Pakistan is charactertised by a low life expectancy, high maternal and child mortality, high incidence of communicable diseases and malnutrition among women and children. Maternal mortality ratio is at about 260 per 100,000 live births according to WHO. Additionally, Pakistan is one of the only three remaining countries with polio and the incidence of tuberculosis is about 231 cases per 100,000 a year.

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Over the years we have successfully designed and implemented national scale interventions with UN agencies, British Council, Asia Foundation and DAI to name a few.

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." - Mahatma Gandhi

We aspire to create defining moments where people can see and believe in their potential like never before, transforming these instances into lessons applicable to daily life. We want people to have intense experiences with meaningful impact and powerful, positive, and memorable outcomes.

Contact us for support, or general inquiries.